Transfer Docker Volumes with DAT

If you have a Docker Volume on one server, and you'd like to get it onto another you can use the following guide:

I have published a Docker image allowing a user to share a volume over DAT.

docker run -it --rm -v {volume}:/backup -p 3282:3282 moritonal/dat-create-backup
  • -it allows you to start and stop it
  • --rm deletes the container after your're finished
  • -v {volume}:/backup maps the target volume to the /backup dir in the container
  • -p 3282:3282 maps the port so DAT can receive communications
  • moritonal/dat-create-backup is the image name

When ran this will output a DAT url (yes, in tricky-to-see dark-blue) and start syncing it. You can then pass this into the next Docker image, which allows a user to pull a DAT into a Docker Volume.

docker run -it --rm -v {volume}:/backup moritonal/dat-pull-backup dat://{dat}
  • -it lets you watch the progress
  • --rm delete image after you're finished
  • -v {volume}:/backup maps the volume to /backup
  • moritonal/dat-pull-backup is the image name
  • dat://{dat} is the name of the DAT outputted by the counterpart dat-create-backup command

I also apologise for the massively too fat images, I should really slim them down at some point.